
Concepts in Human Sexuality

- Heilbrigðis og félagsvísindi


The focus of this online course is to equip students with a holistic, bio-psycho-social understanding of human sexuality, intimacy, relationships and attraction. It seeks to provide an overview of the biological, psychological, and sociological, foundations of human sexuality and its concepts.

The course is equivalent to 6 ECTS credits.

Fyrirkomulag fjarnáms

This is an online course.

Methods of instruction are largely asynchronous in their set up, focusing on the latest technological means to promote student learning, interest, and interaction in course material. They include: online “lectures” (e.g., power point presentations) & follow up questions/activities, online videotapes/films/documentaries, slides, polling, storytelling, electronic class discussion forums and groups, and email correspondence.

Where appropriate, media (print, graphics, and so on) will be used to support the activities and assignments by illustrating ideas, simplifying complex concepts, triggering discussion, demonstrating skills, simulating experience, improving student perception or understanding, illustrating attributes of concepts, providing stimulating content, addressing various learning styles, providing examples, and presenting the same content in a different setting.


Topics covered include: language and the construction of sexuality; the pursuit of sexual pleasure; sensitive issues in human sexuality; sexual disorders; ”sex-ability”; sexual & gender minorities; sexuality throughout the life cycle; sexual variance; sexual compulsivity; sex & power; and sexual wellness.  

The goal of this course is to introduce students to analyzing sexuality-related matters using a virtual framework. We will examine societal constructions of human sexuality concepts through a comprehensive, multidisciplinary lens, looking at phenomena as it impacts individuals and groups at the macro, interpersonal, and intrapersonal levels. In doing so, we will create our own microcosm of the issues at large, dissecting them as our own intellectual community using “virtual” interactions.


The course will run from September 5th - October 16th.


Teacher of the course is Yvonne Kristín Fulbright. Originally from Iceland, Yvonne has a Ph.D. from New York University, a Master's in Human Sexuality Education from the University of Pennsylvania, and Bachelor degrees in psychology and sociology from Penn State University. She went on to pursue a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Iceland, focusing on sexual health services for young people. She is a certified sexuality educator through the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT).


Registration fee for the course is 75000.- kr.  to be paid by credit card or a claim in online bank before start of the course.

Note: A reservation is made that the course may be canceled if participation is insufficient.


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